News & Events |
17 September 2013 |
You may have seen the extent to which we continue to keep the churchyard in the best condition, and able to be a place where relatives and friends can visit in comfort. We recently spent a great deal of time constructing a revised plan of the churchyard, so we have an up-to-date record when anyone requests information.
This also served as a means of looking at each individual grave and assessing its condition and whether there need be any maintenance to the plot. We must thank Brian Sutcliffe for devising and leading this operation, he has comprehensively built a record that will be in place for years to come. The record details information on every grave in the churchyard, its inhabitant, condition and a photograph of the headstone. This record will be added to, as new graves are included, so we will always have a complete reference document when needs arise.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR FAMILIES The Parochial Church Council is responsible for the church building and its grounds. So as to enable the churchyard to remain in a maintainable condition, any proposed changes to family plots must first seek the authorisation of the PCC. This ensures that any change to a plot will not affect the ability of grounds men to use their machinery safely and effectively. Over recent years many churches have sought to make their grounds as easily maintainable as possible. This has been done to reduce the extensive yearly costs to the church budgets. All the costs are met from the congregations weekly giving to the church.
The most appropriate way to achieve this has been to move to a more open plan style of grave setting, so as to enable mowers to have unfettered access to the grounds. Full length grave plots are no longer appropriate, and efforts have been made over a period of time to revise existing graves to a free standing headstone. We are sure all relatives will understand that any conditions made are to enable the grounds to be kept respectfully for all those laying peacefully within the churchyard.
For further information: http://www.blackburn.anglican.org/more_info.asp?current_id=272
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