Welcome to St Johns Higham
14 September 2024
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Sunday: 9.30 am

St Johns Higham
Higham Hall Road
BB12 9EU

Revd Lesley Hinchcliffe


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For Parents ....Parish Commitment Record (PCR)
22 January 2017
The St John’s Parish Commitment Record ( PCR ) enables parents to register their attendances at church services, for use when applying to a faith high school.
On parents requiring a school application reference from the Reverend Bury, the PCR allows her to recall your pattern of attendance.

As you will have seen, from reviewing the prospectus of the local Church of England high schools, each school requires that you provide evidence of an individual parents pattern of church attendance.
Some primary schools, though not Higham St. John’s, also ask for a reference from the Reverend Bury.

To be fully aware of their entry requirements, it is strongly advised that you visit the school website to review their prospectus for details of their application process.

It is very important that you have fully understood the entry requirements of your chosen school, as they have very specific guidelines relating to an individual parents attendance at church.
Most faith high schools require that the parent, who is the "greater attender", regularly does so over a period of at least two years prior to application.